The team's core values are an İA that is useful for the planet and its inhabitants, while being as energy-efficient as possible.
We consider people to be our company's primary asset.

Our Values


Our solutions are based on the latest technologies, with strong investment in R&D and creativity to meet customer needs.

Ethical İA

As a Montreal Charter signatory, we develop solutions with Aİ to serve the planet and its inhabitants.


Our bylaws include the rules of the Social and Solidarity Economy, with people as our company's main asset.


We advocate a sustainable approach in the choice of our solutions, limiting their ecological footprint from development to use.

Our Team

Technical, generational and cultural complementarity

Frédéric, CEO

After 30 years of engineering and project management in the space industry, I want to take this human adventure, with customers who share our values, to show that Deeptech can be useful to the planet.

Lionel, CTO

PhD in Logics and Researcher in Biometrics, Software and AI Engineer, cycling and low-tech activities enthusiast, I am willing to spend my energy quota so that we consume less of it. 

 Jérôme, technical expert

With over 20 years' project management experience in complex systems engineering in the space and nuclear sectors, I lead the technical aspects and guarantee the successful completion of AzurİA's projects.

 Sarah, AI R&D Engineer

A PhD in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, I design new neural network architectures for AzurİA, leading the development of the BPI Emergence Grant.

 Julien, Embedded Systems Engineer

After years of experience in the field of embedded systems engineering and the creation of a drone, I have come to carry the development of the autonomous and reactive aerostat of which AzurİA is the lead contractor.

Jilane, business developer  

 After completing a Master's degree in International Management, my goal is to support the market launch of AzurİA's intelligent embedded systems, including overseas.

Our Support

Labelled a high-potential innovative company by Hi France since June 2023

French Tech Emergence grant from BPI France

Winner of the AMI to embbed an Aİ of trust

Selected by BonsAPPs as AI Talent EU, to solve industrial challenges across Aİ

Competitiveness cluster partners


AzurIA offers a customized Artificial Intelligence (AI) service for embedded systems in the fields of space, the blue and green economy, and ecology in general. We support you in the annotation of your data, and design a tailor-made İA optimized for electronics (FPGA, CPU, GPU, TPU, NPU, DPU, MCU/microcontroller) best suited to your needs. Our qualified IA DEEPTECH project by BPI France can process with low latency and consumption your 2D or 3D images or videos in high spatial resolution with a high dynamic range (High-Dynamic Range - HDR) and high spectral resolution (multispectral, hyperspectral). AzurİA is the AMI winner of the program to develop compact and robust AI that can be deployed electronically.